Time-Management Problems

As a Christian student-athlete, one of the biggest challenges I face is time management. Even without the added difficulties of being an athlete, prioritizing is not easy. As a student, I am in school from 7:30-2:50, five days a week. In addition to all my classes, I am often loaded with homework, especially from my AP classes. Unfortunately, I can’t do homework from the minute I get home to the minute I go to bed. As a volleyball player, I also attend practice from 3:15-5:45 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we have matches, which take up even more of my precious time. An away match could consist of being gone from 2-10pm. While some of that time I can do homework, I can’t do any computer homework, thus limiting my options. Thankfully, I have more time when we have home matches. I’m usually at the gym from 4:25-8:30pm. My volleyball team has team dinners every night before a home match, once again eating up my homework time. Everything I just detailed describes the life of a student athlete. Here comes the added portion of being a Christian.

I’m a part of a youth group and two Bible studies. Every Wednesday night I drive across town to youth group where I hang out with friends and learn more about God from 7-8:30. On Monday nights I attend a girl’s Bible study. We eat dinner together, spend time in prayer, and discuss our study. I am usually a little late because I go straight from volleyball in order in make it on time. My other Bible study is with my family. In order to keep up with my studies, I spend between 10 and 20 minutes everyday working on them.

Managing my time with all of my extra-curricular activities is hard. I end up spending lots of time on the weekends (sometimes up to 12 hours) trying to catch up on my homework. Although I’m so busy, I really enjoy everything and couldn’t give up any of my activities.

God bless,

Rachel C.

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2 Responses to Time-Management Problems

  1. mar57013 says:

    I’m so glad that you put time management as an issue for athletes seeing as everyone can relate to it. Everyone has been late for something or has had a really busy day.

  2. abrock25 says:

    In high school especially, time management is hard because we are all adjusting to the new homework load and such. It’s good to leave time for yourself and still manage everything, which sounds like you are doing well!

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